About Us

The peak of Covid 19 was a time of reckoning for many people across the globe. We all went through different encounters and this changed our lives either positively or negatively. During this time, mental health conditions were on the surge and the numbers continue to rise by the day. PsychX is a brain child of individuals who had an encounter with mental health either directly or indirectly.

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Duncan Ogendi




Jason Munyiri

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we have a physical location along ngong road at Pine Tree Plaza

Visit our website, Find a therapist, create an account to book a session and choose the most suitable therapist and your preferred time and Session Mode. You can also call us on: +254 720 401194 to book a session.

Yes, we offer our services virtually,Physically and Anonymously

Yes, you can switch a therapist to any other preferred therapist anytime.

Yes, you can always call PsychX on +254 720 401194 anytime and you will get someone to assist you

We offer Mental wellness and wellbeing services to; individuals, Corporates , Learning and religious institutions.